Shiralea Viva La Chocolate aka Ruby was the original Miniature Pinscher here at Rubystud she was purchased from Lynne Johnston from SA. Ruby was my best little mate she went through a lot of live events with me and is still present here today at Rubystud.
Ruby was the foundation female for my miniature pinschers she is the grandmother of Rubystud Rumour Has it aka Rumour and Rubystud Dixie with Emmy Hyde at Tauriel Kennels NZ. Rumour was bred to DeSguar Sir Levi Delux aka Levi and this produced Rubystud Stop The Nation aka Delta. As you can see the female line of Rubystud Miniature Pisncher is incredibly strong and Ruby proving to be a fantastic foundation female.
Rubystud has been very lucky to have Emmy Hyde from NZ work with us. Emmy stud dog Ruger was bred by Rubystud, he is a NZ Champion and working through the Trick Titles as we speak. Emmy and Kurt have purchased 2 miniature pinschers from us and look forward to working together in the future.

About the breed:
Size – 10 to 12 Inches
Exercise Requirements – Low to Medium
Grooming Requirements – Low
Weight – 3-5kg approx.
Life Span – 10-17 Years Approx.
The Miniature Pinscher is a small but sturdy, smooth coated toy dog. A true miniature which shows no signs of dwarfism. He is naturally well groomed, proud, vigorous, alert and hardy with a precise hackney gait. His smooth, short glossy coat commonly comes in various shades of red or black & tan, however, he can also be chocolate & tan or blue & tan
The Miniature Pinscher was recognised as a breed more than 200 years ago and is known as the ZwergPinscher in Germany, its country of origin, where it received official stud book recognition in 1880. There is much speculation as to the origin of the Miniature Pinscher, however, one fact is certain: he is not a scaled down version of the much larger Dobermann, as it was not until 1890 that Louis Dobermann bred his first real Dobermann Pinscher.
Leading German scientists included information on dogs in their archeological reports on diggings. From these we are able to piece together an origin which ties Pinschers to one of the oldest family groups the Torfspitzgrupe (turf-rat-group). this theory is supported by two scientists, Drs Rutimeyer and Struder.
Dr Struder’s findings were reported in Die Prahistorischer hunde in 1901, after skeletons of Torfspitz were recovered from numerous lakeside diggings in Switzerland, the stone implements and other evidence clearly classifying dwellings as early stone age. Even at this early stage there were clearly two opposing size tendencies, one toward the medium to large and the other to a dwarf or miniature size.
The Miniature Pinscher is alert but can be wary, which should not be confused with timidity. He adjusts well to people of all ages and can become possessive of his owners and territory. He is suited to all life styles, from apartment dwelling to outside farm living, young family to single companion. His acute hearing makes him an extremely good little watchdog.
Care / Grooming
His short coat is very easy to maintain, the occasional bath and light brushing will maintain his magnificent appearance.
This small hardy breed suffers few inherent health problems, and is adaptable to either indoor or outdoor living.